What you wanted from the iPhone 6: DS readers' must-have features

iPhone 6 leaked image

Earlier this week, we posted a feature about what we were hoping to get from the iPhone 6.

It spurred a fair old bit of comment, so we figured it only right to give you, the readers, a chance to vent your own desires for the new iPhone.

Below is what we have so far, but by all means comment below and we will continue to add to the piece in the build up to the smartphone's eventual unveiling.
iPhone 6 leaked image

A bigger battery

Sat right at the top of the list, miles beyond everything else, was a wish for better battery life.

We have to agree. While every manufacturer claims over 24 hours of battery life from its mobile phone these days, it just doesn't happen.

I love my iPhone 5 and don't need many more features, but I'll be tempted to go Android if I don't see clear evidence that battery life will be significantly better in the next generation.

Nightly charges shouldn't be a regular thing. You should be able to use the phone to its full ability, without having to worry about seeking out a plug socket.

Let's hope Apple breaks the current trend with its new handset and changes the way that mobile batteries work.

Better control over email

iOS 8 messaging
© Apple
Messaging within iOS 8

iOS 8 has actually promised quite a significant rethink over how email works, but commenters still wanted more.

The fact that we are almost onto iOS 8 and still don't have the simple ability to multi delete SMS/iMessage or even emails and voicemails is ridiculous.

iOS 8: Everything you need to know

Some people's main point of email contact is their smartphone, so a major rethink of how we deal with such an influx of data would be hugely helpful.

Tougher glass

Just about everyone knows at least one person with an iPhone that has a cracked screen. It's incredibly common, and Apple has got very good at fixing them.

The 'Sapphire crystal glass' that is continually associated with iPhone 6 rumours is almost definitely coming, but just how tough it is, we won't know until the phone is in our pockets.

A screen that stays in one piece when dropped!

Apple will likely not opt to wrap the entire handset in sapphire crystal - just the display on the front - which could mean that owners end up having issues with scratched and dented aluminium backs. You just can't win, can you?

Photo of alleged iPhone 6 components
© Sonny Dickson
The sapphire glass front on the iPhone 6

Increased control over the Camera app

Apple has detailed a raft of fixes and tweaks to the Camera application on the old iPhone, but you guys want more.

"The functionality to choose the quality of recording videos/taking photos, so that when you are running low on space, you can still capture things."

Many people are stuck with little more than 16GB of storage in their iPhones, so lowering the quality of an image to save space is definitely a useful feature.

Micro SD support

A lot of people have been looking for ways to get their hands on an iPhone 6 cheaper. Obviously requests for a £50 handset just aren't going to happen, but a means to get some cheaper storage would be nice.

"Need to be able to add an SD card"

Apple really doesn't like opening up its doors to the likes of microSD, but who knows? We might get lucky. That or there will be a 128GB option for the new phone.

original post found here=http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tech/feature/a587752/what-you-wanted-from-the-iphone-6-ds-readers-must-have-features.html


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