Android Hits 85 Percent Smartphone Market

Android Hits 85 Percent Smartphone Market Share

Google open source operating System continues its march to world dominance. A new report by Strategy Analytics pegs the mobile platform's market share of smartphone shipments worldwide at nearly 85 percent in the second quarter.
Android's growth is apparently coming at the expense of Apple's, Microsoft's and BlackBerry's market shares. Apple, for instance, is now at about 11.9 percent, compared to 13.4 percent in the same quarter last year. Microsoft's Windows Phone platform is now at a scant 2.7 percent from 3.8 percent last year, and BlackBerry, at 2.4 percent a year ago, is barely registering at 0.6 percent.
About 250 million Android-based smartphones were sold in the last quarter versus 187 million last year at the same time.
'One-Horse Race'
Strategy Analytics executive director Neil Mawston said in a statement that "like the PC market, Android is on the verge of turning smartphone platforms into a one-horse race." He added that "its low-cost services and user-friendly software Relevant Products/Services remain wildly attractive to hardware makers, operators and consumers worldwide.”
But the open source platform is also showing a new crossover point in usage. iPhone owners tend to use their mobile devices a lot, and Apple has been the king in terms of how often its devices are being used.
Now, a new report from Net Applications finds that Android has begun to conquer iOS in terms of usage -- 44.62 percent last month, compared to 43.75 for iOS devices. In June, the numbers were 43.75 percent for Android and 45.61 percent for Apple. In May, iOS dropped below 50 percent for the first time in years.
The only possible fly in Android's ointment right now could be Apple's pending release of iPhones with larger screens, according to Strategy Analytics. Mawston also mentioned Mozilla Foundation's efforts to release very low-priced Firefox OS smartphones, largely targeted at developing countries.
Developing Countries
Smartphones in general, and Android in particular, are being driven by the growth in the developing world, according to the research firm. This includes China, India and countries in Africa. Smartphone shipments overall jumped 27 percent in the second quarter compared to a year ago, to 295 million units. This is the slowest overall growth in five years.
Earlier this week, IDC released a report on the second quarter that similarly showed an increase of 23 percent year-over-year. The research firm pointed to Chinese phone makers as a key market driver.
"As the death of the feature phone approaches more rapidly than before," IDC said, "it is the Chinese vendors that are ready to usher emerging market consumers into smartphones."
On the app front, Android has more downloads than Apple, but Apple's apps generate more revenue. A second-quarter report from business Relevant Products/Services intelligence Relevant Products/Services/analyst firm App Annie on app stores in 150 countries said that Google Play apps were downloaded 60 percent more than Apple App Store's, but the App Store generated 80 percent more revenue.


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